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Thursday 26 July 2012

What has been lacking hitherto

is true. There is a huge granite U.S. Custom-house - costly enough, genuine enough, but as a decoration it is inferior to a gasometer.It looks like a state prison. But it was built before the war.Architecture in America may be said to have been born since the war.New Orleans, I believe, has had the good luck - and in a sense the bad luck - to have had no great fire in late years. It must be so. If the oppositehad been the case, I think one would be able to tell the 'burnt d True Religion Outlet strict'by the radical improvement in its architecture over the old forms.One can do this in Boston and Chicago. The 'burnt district' of Bostonwas commonplace before the fire, but now there is no commercial districtin any city in the world that can surpass it - or perhaps even rival it - in beauty, elegance, and tastefulness.However, New Orleans has begun - just this moment, as one may say.When completed. True Religion mens jeans slim the new Cotton Exchange will be a stately building andbeautiful; solid, substantial, full of architectural graces; no shams or false pretenses or uglinesses about it anywhere.To the city, it will be worth many times its cost, for it will breed its species. What has been lacking hitherto, was a modelto build toward; something to educate eye and tas. TR True Religion brand jeans ste sale; a Suggester so to speak.The city is well outfitted with progressive men - thinking, sagacious men, long-headed. The contrast between the spirit of the city andthe city's architecture is like the contrast between waking and sleep.Apparently there is a 'boom' in everything but that one dead in the water feature.The gutters used to be stagnant and slimy, and a potent disease -breeder, but the gutters a True Religion womens jeans shorts skirts re flushed now, two or three times a day, by powerful machinery, and in many of the gutters the water never stands still, but has a steady current. Other sanitary improvements have been made, and with seeking effect that New Orleans claims to be (during the longintervals between the occasional yellow-fever assaults) one of thehealthiest c. Cheap True Religion deep into the Union. There's plenty of ice now for everybody town, in the manufactured. It is a place Commercially driving, and hasa great river, ocean, and railway business. At the date of our visit, it was the best lighted city in the Union, electrically speaking.The electric lights in New Orleans were more Numerous than those of New York, and very much better. One had this modified noonday not only in some Canaland Neighboring chief streets, but all along a stretch of five miles of river frontage. There are good clubs in the city now - several of them but recently organized - and inviting modern-style pleasure resorts at West End and Spanish Fort The telephone is the most notable of everywhere.One advances is in journalism. The newspapers, as I remember them were, not a striking feature. Now they are.Money is spent upon them with a free hand. They get the news, let it cost what it may.

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